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and functional ecological connectivity. Download link for the QGIS templates: (2) SaveGREEN Roadkill App: Mobile application for the monitoring of road- and railkill incidents. Google Playstore download link:…

Other data sources

and openly accessible to all users. The Land Service is divided into four main components: Copernicus Service Catalogue This catalogue contains a comprehensive list of information products relevant to…

Thematic Map: NATURA 2000 Sites

and the Habitats Directive (Sites of Community Importance or SCIs, and Special Areas of Conservation or SACs). The European database of Natura 2000 sites consists of a compilation of the…

…including all objects from the SaveGREEN harmonised data model: uments/383 SaveGREEN Roadkill App: Mobile application for the monitoring of road- and railkill incidents. Google Playstore download link: ?id=com.enveros.enverosgame2…

_test homepage

…including all objects from the SaveGREEN harmonised data model: uments/383 SaveGREEN Roadkill App: Mobile application for the monitoring of road- and railkill incidents. Google Playstore download link: ?id=com.enveros.enverosgame2…

…including all objects from the SaveGREEN harmonised data model: uments/383 SaveGREEN Roadkill App: Mobile application for the monitoring of road- and railkill incidents. Google Playstore download link: ?id=com.enveros.enverosgame2…

Thematic Map: Other Protected Areas

downloadable. Data and information on the world’s protected areas compiled in the WDPA are used for reporting to the Convention on Biological Diversity on progress towards reaching the Aichi Biodiversity…

Thematic Map: Beskydy-Kysuce Pilot Area

form of small investments such as installing warning signs or repairing fencing; or through substantial interventions like building new ecoducts. The Kysuce -Beskydy Pilot Area offers examples of both of…

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