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Welcome to CCIBIS

Carpathian Countries Integrated Biodiversity Information System

What is CCIBIS?

The CCIBIS presents various items of biological (e.g. endangered species, habitats) and environmental (protected areas, Natura 2000 sites, old-growth forests) information about the Carpathian Ecoregion provided by many partners working in the Carpathians.


Data Catalogue

Data Catalogue contains various data sets and documents related to biodiversity, transportation and spatial planning as a background for decision making in the Carpathians.


The maps include predefined maps with various features for the Carpathian Region.

Partners and Projects

See the partners and projects implemented in order to protect the extraordinary richness provided by the Carpathians.


Explore the innovative decision support tool developed under ConnectGREEN Project.

Improve your knowledge of biodiversity protection and about the Carpathian Region.

Learn about the Carpathian Convention and its activities.

Learn more about the Carpathians and its protected areas.

Join the upcoming IENE 2020 Conference

We are pleased to announce that the next IENE + GCLIE 2022 International Conference “Connecting people, connecting landscapes” will take place between 15 – 16 & 19 – 23 September 2022, as a hybrid event, online and in-person, in Cluj Napoca, Romania.



Information about the Carpathians, the Carpathian Convention and the CCIBIS platform.

Legal notice, copyright and terms of use

Legal notice, copyright and terms of use

How to use the platform

Information about how to use the CCIBIS platform.

Contacts and impressum

How to reach us

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